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Einsames Shirt

März 29th, 2010 | Sonstige Ticks | Tags: , , | 1 Kommentar »

Wenn ich ein T-Shirt in meinem Schrank entdecke, dass ich schon sehr lange nicht anhatte, fühle ich mich schuldig, denn dieses Shirt könnte sich gegenüber den anderen sehr einsam fühlen. Ich ziehe es dann an, solange bis ich das Haus verlasse. Dann wechsele ich wieder zu einem meiner Lieblingsshirts.

Ein Kommentar zu “Einsames Shirt”

  1. 1 Ancha sagte um 19:39 am Dezember 24th, 2015:

    These photos are so beiutaful, I just love them. They remind me of when I worked in a concession stand at a bingo hall when I was a teenager. One evening my co-worker’s husband came to pick her up and he decided to play the last round (the satellite round, which is an all-Alberta jackpot round). This co-worker was such a sweetheart. She was in her ’20s and had five kids. We had an unspoken agreement that she could take them as much pop and candy as she liked. Anyway, I will never forget the moment that her husband came over to our concession stand that night and said, Babe, I gotta find that receipt. I won! She thought he was playing a trick on her, but he really had won $40,000. I believe firmly that it couldn’t have happened to better people. He bought a tow truck business and she quit the concession stand. Dreams really do come true at bingo!Sorry about the novella length of this comment. This just brought back that really fabulous memory.

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