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Ekel löschen

Juli 27th, 2011 | Zwänge | 2 Kommentare »

Immer wenn ich etwas Ekelhaftes sehe, verdrehe ich so lange die Augen, bis es weh tut und manchmal drücke ich mit den Fingern auf die Augenlider, bis es weh tut.
Ich habe dann das Gefühl, den ekelhaften Anblick „gelöscht“ zu haben.

2 Kommentare zu “Ekel löschen”

  1. 1 Voncile sagte um 20:21 am März 5th, 2015:

    Hats off to whevoer wrote this up and posted it.

  2. 2 Jhoni sagte um 17:20 am März 6th, 2015:

    So True!It is great that you pointed out the fact we have such great dstiance runners here in Mid Michigan and it just so happens that they all came now.I know that choosing who will earn which event in the dream team will be hard! However, these are my thoughts, 800- Nix, 1600-Nix, 3200- Darling, 4 8 Grand Ledge. The 3200m run is easy to pick, its Darling no questions asked. The 1600m run is quite the choice though. Darling stepped out of Honor Roll and Williamston Inv where Nix was, leaving Nix with easy wins. The reason i picked Nix for the 1600 is he has an overall faster time by 3 seconds, and won Honor Roll and ran a faster time than Darling at States. Now on to the 800, I picked Nix once agian but Dyer from Grand Ledge is an excellent choice as well! with a blazing 1:53 at MMOC he is the fastest, however Nix beat him at MITCA and ran faster than him all year, States, MITCA, Leagues..ex.Unfortunatily, there is no room for Lutzke, Ekel, Person, Lacy, or Sanchez! I wish they could all have their places but someone has to have the spot

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